Monday, December 10, 2007

Not that Deep

Blogging has made me realize something about myself. I am not that deep. I am not super interesting, funny, artistic, or smart. But I have also realized the upside to not being very bright. I am extremely content with my life. Don't get me wrong. I have my moments where I want to scream I am so tired of cooking, cleaning, laundry, and being patient with my JD an Roo, but beyond that is a very deep sense of contentment. I LOVE MY LIFE. The moments that I feel inadequate and insecure are fleeting. So I don't feel a great need to purge my feeling into blogging and this is probably the most personal blog you will ever read. My life is what it is and I am living it. I am convinced it's the key to happiness. I am going to leave big ambitions to those who fancy themselves gifted. I am not - gifted that is, is any way imaginable other than being gifted enough to appreciate my life. And I do.


Grant said...

You know, its funny, but some would say that the ability to enjoy one's life, the good and the bad, the prosaic moments from day to day, THAT is evidence of someone who runs pretty deep. Not that I would know, all I care about is what I am getting for christmas in a couple of weeks :)

Evan said...

Whoa Grant! That was deep! And Jen you're awesome! I would say that it is your "normal" life that makes you the envy of your siblings.

Liz said...

Hear, Hear!! I'm Heather's sister in law by the way. But I feel the same way! There is nothing I want to be more than a Mom and the millions of task that go with it. I am content also.

Heather said...

Evan, are you saying your life is abnormal? And I love that Liz posted on your blog and I love being a momma too! {I could do with a few less poopy diapers though!}

Jennifer said...

Hey Liz, I've read your blog too. Isn't blogging fun! Yeah for us plain old moms!

annzy said...

I like you just the way you are ~except you need to be closer so when I don't feel like doing anything on a friday night I can not do anything with you.