Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School

Ruby's first day of school was today. She was not a fan. She said - I don't really like 1st grade. She explained that there was no self election. Which translates into not having any play time. Ah, the harsh realities of 1st grade. Kindergarten's over sister, time to hit the books. That first day back to school is always the longest!


Anonymous said...

HOLY COW! She looks sooo mature! I can not believe our kiddos are in first grade (no mention that I have one in FIFTH)!!!

Heather said...

seriously...she is looking so grown up and beautiful!can't wait to see you like 4 weeks!!!

Tiffany said...

She's growing up sooo fast! No play time? What a rip off!

Jason Anderson said...

Sheis sooo cute. and she looks so grown up. I love her.

Marcilyn said...

pierced ears!!!!

Tinaya said...

she is all so grown up and so beautiful!

Grant said...

School is totally not worth it. Tell her I said that, and if it were up to me, she wouldn't have to go. :)

Baker said...

Her eyes!! I can't get over how blue! Such a beautiful girl. All day school. I know Ruby. Such a bore.