Saturday, August 7, 2010


We have sold our home. If everything goes as planned we will be closing on Sept. 1.
Do we have a new house? Why no, no we don't. Is that kinda scary? You betcha. But we are just going to jump and see, jump and see.( that's just a little Joe vs. the Volcano for those of you who aren't from the Jeff Mann family) We are still trying to work out a short sale, but we have no guarantee. It's all very exciting and crazy. But it looks like we are at least half way there.


annzy said...

I love it ~love you ~love the shoes ~love everything. Congrats!

Heather said...

ooooh! that is exciting! we are totally all about jump and see, jump and see!!!

kim said...

YAY!!!! I love house shopping!

Grant said...

Jen!!! hurry and get a new house so we can come stay with you for thanksgiving!!!

Lisa said...

I have SO memories of great times in that house. I will be sad to see you leave it! I am sure that the next one will be pretty fabulous because you are!!! Keep us posted! When will Dave get released then?