Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ruby Art

Ruby has always been extremely creative, and now that we are homeschooling, she has more time for her creations. Being her mother, and extremely biased, I think her art is brilliant. (Hey Marcilyn remember x-ray bunny) This is cardboard girl. she is cut out of cardboard,has construction paper clothes and some Barbie boots. She came up with the concept all on her own. I wish I had an ounce of her creativity.


BirdieMann said...

We have a Ruby original hanging on our fridge right now!

Jen said...

wait, now that you are homeschooling?? I think I missed that!!! I want to hear more about that!!! :) I think about that all the time. It's really sad, but being PTA Pres this year and being so involved in the school.... makes me waaaaaaaay less comfortable sending my kids up there everyday! Fill us it!!

Jennifer said...

Jen, I love it. I will have to call you and give you the details.

Heather said...

that is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Um...me too! I missed this..probably because I blathered on the whole time we talked last call. Tell me whats up and how its going!