Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

wasn't an amazing Halloween. Ruby was completely sick and Dave had class, but we made a valiant effort. We carved pumpkins, ate pizza with the neighbors, and trick or treated the other 2 neighbors. Ruby was Sleeping Beuty and Jeffrey was a goldfish. I thought they looked adorable. I wish it was Halloween again tonight just so they could put on their costumes again.


annzy said...

Roo looks way to grown up but other wise they both look fantastic ~way to go Jen! Enjoy stealing the treats.

Evan said...

Cute kids! Someday we should all get together and have a cousins halloween.

Grant said...

Jen, your'e a trooper. I wish I could have been there. We can't wait to see yuo at Christmas.

camila anderson said...

OH MY GOSH! Dad and I are going crazy at how cute they are. Ruby has the perfect princess tilt to the head and Jeffys cheeks are perfect fish cheeks. Love them