Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Treats from Marcilyn

Marcilyn sent some treats from the UK. Here is Ruby in a dress Marcilyn got on her trip to Africa. I love it Marc. And of course this is Jeffrey after his morning digestive biscuit. I could eat my own weight in digestives. He's lucky I shared with him. When we were in London a few years back Marcilyn and I were anxious to find some digestive biscuits at the grocery store,but after looking through the cookie shelf couldn't find them anywhere. When we asked the clerk, he was so confused, "You couldn't find them on the biscuit aisle?" Oh, there's a whole biscuit AISLE. We stocked up and ate a lot of biscuits on that trip. Wish I were there with you. Thanks Marcilyn. We love you and miss you tons.


Marcilyn said...

I'm so glad you got the package and enjoying the treats. Its so fun to see Ruby in that dress. I'm glad it fit her all right. I was looking at it going "this thing has really weird proportions. Anyways, I love you guys! Miss you!

Baker said...

What is a digestive biscuit?!
I love the dress! I enjoyed seeing the Africa pictures on Marcilyn's blog. You guys are just so neat!

Jennifer said...

I never realized, but they are kind of hard to describe. It's like a thick graham cracker with chocolate on one side. MMMMMM! Yeah and Marcilyn has all the fun!

Evan said...

Um i'm pretty sure every store should have a biscuit aisle. This is the sound of me wishing I could have a digestive right now.

England Family said...

Goodness... just let me know when you want biscuits and I will send them, anytime!!!!